Join the journey.
Become a KRM Partner today.

Become one of the hundreds of Kentuckians working to welcome refugees to their new home. You can make a world of difference in the lives of new Americans by sharing your time and talents. Join us at a session to learn more about how you can stay engaged.

We offer monthly orientations for those who want to begin the volunteer process and learn more about KRM’s available volunteering options. We combine these orientations with an info session for anyone interested in learning more about the resettlement process, KRM’s services, and ways to get involved. This is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge of refugee resettlement, gain cultural awareness resources, stay updated with our current programming, and ask questions.


  • Individuals or groups (such as companies, faith groups, school groups, etc).
  • Ages For Volunteering: All volunteer opportunities are available for ages 18+. For those who are under 18 years old, there are still ways to get involved! A limited selection of volunteer opportunities are available for those ages 16+. Anyone who is 13+ can volunteer with a parent/guardian or support KRM in other capacities.
    • For more information about volunteer opportunities available to those under age 18 or other ways you can support, such as a donation drive, school project or advocacy, please email or submit an inquiry form on our Contact Page.

PLEASE NOTE: Volunteers must provide a background check and proof of COVID vaccination prior to serving


What is the Time Commitment?

KRM opportunities range, and we work with your schedule to find something that is a good fit for you. Some volunteers participate in one-time activities while others commit to a three-month program. We are lucky and proud to share that our volunteers stay with KRM for years!

Becoming a Volunteer


Volunteer on-boarding and placement has returned at KRM Louisville! We are excited to welcome Volunteer & Co-Sponsorship Specialist, Kristina Lynch, and to resume this valuable support to our clients and staff. KRM’s monthly Info Session and Volunteer Orientation are now combined into one session, segmented into two parts.

  • Attend an Info Session & Volunteer Orientation to get started. KRM Louisville hosts hybrid sessions (both virtual and in-person) the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm for an opportunity to learn more about refugee resettlement, ways to get involved and next steps for volunteers. Register at the link below.

PLEASE NOTE: Any sessions that fall on major holidays will be held the following week.

  • Share a bit about yourself and which programs you are interested in getting involved with. Apply to volunteer here!
  • Happen to be a student interested in getting involved? Consider checking out KRM’s Internships, we are actively recruiting!


  • Review the current volunteer opportunities.
  • Ready to become a volunteer? Attend a volunteer orientation. KRM Lexington hosts a 90-minute orientation on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 pm or as needed.

northern kentucky:

  • Review the current volunteer opportunities.
  • Register at the link below and attend an information and volunteer orientation. KRM Northern Kentucky hosts 90-minute in person sessions the first Monday of the month at 7:15pm.
  • Share a bit about yourself and which programs you are interested in getting involved with. Apply to volunteer here!

Register Here: Info Sessions & Volunteer Orientations



Looking for something else? Learn about internships or co-sponsorship opportunities.

Questions? Here’s who to contact:


KRM Louisville

Kristina Lynch
Volunteer and Co-Sponsorship Specialist

KRM Lexington

Daniela Gamez Salgado
Volunteer Coordinator

KRM Northern kentucky

Ruth Elendu
Volunteer Specialist